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定制 加拿大的工艺

用餐、摆脱游戏电子时如何选择合适的餐桌 & 更多的



We’ve developed this guide on how to choose the right table for your needs from over a decade of experience building furniture. 

Our team of custom furniture makers have you covered for 餐桌, 会议表, 会议表,以及介于两者之间的任何东西. 不管是什么风格, 大小, 或形状, there are four key questions to answer that’ll help determine the perfect table 大小 and shape for your space. 

  • 它将如何使用?
  • 你们的桌位是多少?
  • 有多少人围坐在桌子旁?
  • 什么是最好的桌子形状?

  • (If you are on a deadline click on the question links to jump to the section of this post you need ASAP. 你也可以 点击这里 to jump to download our table 大小 and seating capacity charts. We also have a couple of videos breaking the information up into two short videos with some bonus LOLs. If not, keep scrolling for the information and the beauty shots!)



    Tables that are used for shorter periods of time tend to be smaller and compact for activities like grabbing lunch or Monday morning meetings. People will not be sitting at them for long periods so there’s not as much of a need for comfort and space. 

    If you need a table for hosting holiday dinners or meeting with important investors, you’ll need a table that has the space for people to get settled in, 展开, 在更长的一段时间内保持舒适. 



    摆脱游戏电子表 often need to accommodate built-in hardware, integrated power, and data modules. 当你伸出手, fill us in on your electronic specifications and we’ll make sure your equipment is seamlessly built into the furniture with plenty of space for everyone to plug in.

    Get an idea of rough table measurements and the number of people you can seat around the table based on how the table will be used:


    桌子是什么? clearances?

    The right table 大小 and shape allows people to comfortably move around the space and get in and out of their spot with ease. You’ll know your table measurements are a perfect fit if your guests can move around it without side stepping and sucking their stomachs in! 



    作为一般指南, these are the minimum suggested clearances from the surrounding walls to the table edge:

    餐厅、会议室、摆脱游戏电子站: 从桌子边缘到周围的墙壁至少42英寸. This allows people to move from their chairs comfortably and allows others to pass behind a seated person.  If you have the space, we do suggest more room though as 42" is the minimum.

    会议室: 从桌子边缘到周围的墙壁至少48英寸. This allows people to walk around the table while others are seated.




    Be sure to make note of other furniture, equipment, and door swings in your room. 如果桌子和墙之间有什么东西, the minimum dimension should adjust from the table edge to the other item.  例如, 如果你的餐厅里有书柜, the minimum  42” should be from the table edge to the credenza. 

    克雷格的专业建议 👍  如果门口有障碍物,不要担心, 小的电梯, 紧张的走廊, 以及你家里或项目的尖角. 访问应该始终是一个考虑因素.  We can build larger tables in modular pieces and assemble them on site. Just let us know in advance what we’ll have to navigate when delivering your table.



    No one wants someone’s elbow poking them in the nose while they’re trying to eat or work. The best table experience is one where there is enough room for people to complete tasks with plenty of personal space.  


    Whether it’s beers with friends or taking notes during a meeting, here are suggested dimensions in order for each person to be comfortable while seated  around a table:



    When we first started writing this guide, social distancing wasn’t a term any of us would have used. But the world is different now and we’re ready to change with it. 

    If your table is for a public place or office we can work with you to find a solution for keeping people safe. 这可能意味着制作更小的桌子 that can be used on their own for individuals or configured together for a larger group. We can also build dividers that’ll shield people from one another in tight spaces.



    At 联合木材公司 we offers five different tabletop shapes: rectangular, 赛马场, 桶, 广场, 和圆. Each shape has its own qualities that make it best suited for different table 大小s, 表的设计, 还有房间形状. 

    You’ll want to choose a table shape that not only complements your space, but also improves the way people interact with each other around the table. Here’s what we found works best with each of our table shapes:











    Although these five table shapes are our standard, we’re able to 
    MG摆脱网站构建 几乎所有你能想到的形状. 

    如果你想在你的空间里寻找多功能性, we can explore configuration options by placing a number of smaller tables together to form a U-shape, 三角形, 的亮光, 和更多的. 



     #2 👍  If you’re having trouble visualizing the shape of your table in the room, tape the shape of the table on the ground or place items where the footprint of the table would be. 




    使用 所有 到目前为止我们所涉及的信息和技巧, we’ve made these handy table 大小 and seating charts that will tell you the ideal table measurements based on how you’ll use your table, 需要安排座位的人数, 它的形状.  记住, these are just basic guidelines so if you have any specific questions please let us know!




    We‘re more than ready to help you choose the right table and start building it for you. 摆脱游戏电子 让你的项目顺利进行!

    If you’re curious to know more about our custom furniture process, check out our resource page about 如何订购定制家具 在联合木公司.


